Green Dirt Farm – A Sheep Dairy


Yes, I kow it is not a goat, but a SHEEP! And a milking sheep at that! I stumbled upon a website today for a sheep dairy named GREEN DIRT FARM , owned and operated by two women! Already, this is sounding pretty cool. The farm is located 40 miles northwest of Kansas City, MO. and is more than a dairy and cheese plant. The two women, Sarah and Jacque, milk their sheep, make cheese, sell pasture raised lamb, cater events on the farm, offer workshop classes in cheese-making and of course, tours of their farm and they charge $8 per person, too. Now, I do not charge for tours, but it does take time away from cheese-making or farm chores. I consider it a gift to give a tour and be able to educate the tour-goers about my farm and what I do, the goats, cows and cheese from milking to processing. Sarah and Jacque are doing all that I aspire to do and will eventually. I too, will get to that point, but there are two of them and one of me. My journey will be a bit slower.

As you go through the pages of their website, you can see just from the presentation, how artistic and unique Green Dirt Farm is. The farm creates both fresh and aged sheep milk cheeses and markets them through the same avenues as I do for Night Sky Farm cheeses; Farmer’s Markets, Restaurants and Retail Stores. I am on the right track, though I would think sheep milk cheese would be all more difficult to sell. And I thought educating folks about goat milk cheeses was hard. My task would appear to be much easier.

I have a friend who is milking 9 sheep and contemplating opening a sheep dairy. Maybe, I will give her little nudges to keep at it, now that I have found Green Dirt Farm as inspiration.

Congratulations, Sarah and Jacque and Best Wishes in your pursuit of your cheese-making and farming goals!

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